Monday, August 4, 2014

On the Value of Small Talk

I'm getting more sympathetic to inane small talk as the years go by. I don't enjoy it, but it at least fills the time around people I don't want to have real conversations with.

On Picking One's Battles (and One's Nose)

Him: My boss who sits in my small, confined office with me is sick. I've got no chance. He's always sick because he has 2 young kids. Little disease bags.

Me: Tell him to stay home and take a sick day. Tell HR.

Him: No need to stir up trouble over the sniffles.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Manners

I just said "excuse me" to one of those caution the floor is wet signs. I think I may be sleep deprived.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I've forgotten to post most of my good ones, this is the only one I can remember off hand:

On the value of accurate scheduling:

I hate extra time. There's not enough time to do something, but too much time to do nothing. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happiness is Unattractive

After a friend posted a rare candid shot of him smiling and looking adorable:
I don't like that photo of me. I look weird. I'm smiling.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Not Anxious

In response to an NYT Opinion Piece on the stereotype of the anxious Jew:
I'm not anxious. Well maybe a little. I feel guilt. I have lots of self doubt. I exist in my own head first: analyze and observe, rather than participate. I twitch a lot. I'm kind of jumpy. I have quirks and neuroses. I guess I'm pretty anxious.

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Request

Some girls get love notes during the work day.

Can your next car be a diesel? I want to make algae fuel for it.